God's Handiwork

Love and Fellowship

I find a lot of love from God through membership of Harmony Church. It’s good to know that if God ever loved me, he will always love me and will not leave me or desert me.

Over the years, I have belonged to five different hunting clubs and have enjoyed the fellowship of the members there, but the fellowship I have with members at Harmony church for the last 40 years is even greater. I regret not joining the church at an earlier age. I was blessed to work 45 years for a timber company. I have applied a lot of my professional training to growing a garden. So, with God’s help, I grow vegetables and share my extras with friends and family members. It really is better to give than to receive.


I have seen many sunrises and sunsets from deer stands and turkey blinds. From such places you can see God’s handiwork firsthand, even the early, patchy fog that soon disappears (James 4:14). Some of my favorite songs start off with “I love the quietness of the morning” or “As I stand by the side of the mountain and see the handiwork of God.” It’s good to know our creator owns all things, even the property I pay real estate taxes on.


I am now 80 years old and have seen the Grand Canyon, been to Alaska twice, and Vidalia, Georgia 100 times. I have no big desire to travel anymore. So, I plan to stay close by and serve God and do volunteer work for my community like managing Ouachita Cemetery.

Patty and I love the Lord and Harmony Church. We pray we will always show up with the right attitude to hear the gospel proclaimed.

- Leon Burris (Deacon)

Brother Leon is an enormous asset to Harmony church and has been for decades. He does many, many things to keep the church working smoothly, much of which occurs in behind the scenes without fanfare. Whether filling the baptistry, maintaining the facilities, or managing the finances, brother Leon remains a steady and faithful servant in the Lord's house along with Sister Patty. I cannot thank him enough for all he does. He is an inspiration and a source of never-ending encouragement to my ministry. I pray that the Lord would raise up an army of servants like him in his Kingdom in the years to come, knowing " that [He] is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think." (Ephesians 3:20)

"Mercy drops round us are falling, but for the showers we plead."

- Elder Daniel Samons

Daniel Samons