Many read Job’s story, scratch their heads, and hope all of this never happens to them. We would prefer to remain anonymous, pretend these things do not exist and avoid the spiritual warfare raging all around us. Yet, pretend as we may-“There is a world of spirits that surround us- A spiritual war raging all about us- Whether we know it or not - whether we like it or not - we are all involved in it.
A Manifesto of Grace
People from various Christian faiths, who believe that they have done a variety of things “to be saved,” are actually saved in exactly the same way; they are saved by God’s grace, and this truth is revealed to us all through the Bible. Understand this simple truth brings peace to a child of God. That is the purpose of this book, to look at grace in the face of a loving Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is a SUCCESSFUL SAVIOR who actually saved His people by what he did in spite of what they have done. This manifesto reveals God’s grace as part of an everlasting covenant, made between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This is a much neglected topic among Christians in our time.
Birthmarks of the infant church
Several years ago I published four articles from Acts 2:42: “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers”, in my monthly publication, A Pastoral Letter. Elder Freddy Boen encouraged me to put them together in a booklet form for wider circulation. This is the premise of this little publication with a few additional thoughts added to the original manuscripts. As I worked on this, I realized more and more, just how dynamic this little verse of scripture from the gospel of Luke really is. In this one verse of scripture we find a storehouse of wisdom that is as contemporary and practical for churches today as when Luke penned the words. In one verse of scripture the Holy Ghost moved Luke to record four identifying marks of the New Testament church in its infancy. Each of the four identify fundamental areas of practice and worship enjoyed by the infant church in its very awakening. I refer to these as the birthmarks of the infant church. You may listen to an audio book version via
Family Devotions with helpful hints for parents
Devotional material has always been of immeasurable value to God's people. There was once a day when families gathered together to discuss religious topics. It was by those discussions, however brief and unstructured they may have been, that children became aware of their parents' faith and ultimately, their God. Today, we live in a busy world. With TVs, smartphones, computers, and the Internet - we have a world of entertainment at our fingertips. As a result this opportunity of teaching has become all but extinct. The ultimate reason for this collection of articles is to give the parent some short meditations to enjoy personally and ultimately share with their family and children. Our homilies are, for the most part, a condensed version of messages delivered to our congregation. Surely, if they were given us by the Chief Shepherd for the feeding of the gathered flock, they will be beneficial to other sheep which are not of our immediate fold. For your benefit, we have included some helpful hints for parents at the conclusion of each devotion.
The Daily Record - The First Year in Retrospect
This little book is a compilation of the first years articles appearing in our local paper, The Malvern Daily Record. The articles are short and to the point, and they range in subject matter from creation to practical godliness. You will also find many of the doctrines of grace therein. The articles are easy to read and understand.
The Support of God's Ministry
This book concerns the loving care that churches should exercise toward their Pastors, and Elders. The financial support of the ministry is a recurring theme in every congregation, just as salaries, and wages are recurring themes in every household. Churches are to love, and care for their God-called men. According to the Bible, it is the pattern that the Lord "ordained" for His church. In this book, you are going to meet some very interesting people. You are going to meet the soldier, the vinedresser, the shepherd, the farmer, some priests-even a cow (an ox in that day). All of these biblical characters will be used by the Apostle in a most powerful way to describe God's men who serve His church so faithfully. You will even meet the hireling! I have had church members ask me what kind of lifestyle a church should provide for their pastor. This book will hopefully answer that question as well as many others that deal with the relationship of churches, and pastors.
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”