We enjoy learning new songs at Harmony but this can be difficult when a new song only gets selected occasionally. Repetition is the usual means of helping people learn a melody. To that end, we are including links to recordings of some of the requested hymns to help us become more familiar with the tune.
Old School Hymnal SONGS
This list started as a compilation of links to a cappella hymns that have been requested that one of our song leaders did not know, or know well enough to lead. As time permits, we are gradually expanding it to include the songs we already know to help those who are not familiar with them to learn those songs as well. I pray it is of benefit to the flock. Wouldn’t it be great if we had a sample recording of every song in the Old School Hymnal and the Good Old Songs?
031 Hark! Ten Thousand Harps
086 Close to Thee
094 God Be With You
108 Star In The East
117 Blest Are The Sons of Peace
134 He Loves Me
143 Sweet Rivers *
144 The Blessed Service of Love
153 Did You Think to Pray
172 He Whispers Sweet Peace to Me
181 The Twenty Third Psalm *
182 God’s Promise
184 I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord
186 The Lord of Glory
194 Who Is This That Comes From Far *
195 Never Alone
198 The Rock That Is Higher Than I
214 The Church’s One Foundation
224 My Span of Life Will Soon Be Done
229 Almighty King! Whose Wondrous Hand
238 Lead Me Safely
241 O May I Worthy Prove to See
243 He’ll See Me Through
249 I Am A Stranger Here Below
250 Children of The Heavenly King
258 I Love The Sons of Grace
279 Purer In Heart, O God *
284 O How Happy Are They
311 Adoration *
345 How Sweet To Die
399 Sweet To Rejoice In Lively Hope
403 Flee As A Bird
423 Gathering Home
435 Hide Thou Me *
444 Jesus What a Friend for Sinners
450 Father, We Rest in They Love
454 Some Day
477 Lord, In the Morning
529 Come Unto Me
534 Just Over The Stars
544 Others *
559 Jesus, Blessed Jesus
576 Why Should He Love Me So? *
587 Children of the Heavenly Father
588 Sweet Beulah Land
610 An Evening Prayer *
TBD As Thirsts The Hart
Links to song performances on this page are not an endorsement of the theology of the performers.
* Songs learned in 2022 (9 total)
Occasionally, we sing songs not found in either the Old School Hymnal or the Good Old Songs. It is our custom to provide printed copies for the congregation when one of those songs is requested in advance. The following links are to help anyone unfamiliar with these tunes to learn the melody.
Primitive Baptist Hymn Singing
Recordings of various Primitive Baptist assemblies singing traditional hymns of the faith.
Mount Zion Singers (1/3/87) - about an hour of good singing.
Playlist of Primitive Baptist Congregational Singing (various dates) - Posted by Fair Haven Primitive Baptist Church and compiled from various cassette recordings. I intend to include individual links to the records in this playlist below as time permits.
Hymn Time with JC Yoakum (mid 1970’s) - “Greetings, friends. This is J. C. Yoakum and you’re listening to Hymn Time.” If you had been a resident of Calhoun County, Georgia in the mid-1970’s, you may have recognized these words and the familiar voice that spoke them. Early in 1973, J. C. & Reba Yoakum made the decision to purchase air-time each week on the local 500 watt AM station, WCUG in Cuthbert, Georgia. With Reba doing the research and script-writing and J. C. the narration, they produced twenty-two, original half-hour broadcasts in their living room on an old reel-to-reel recorder, and aired the programs cyclically for the next three years. Thanks to and for hosting this content on their sites.
Elder Lee Hanks, then of Atlanta, published the first edition of the Old School Hymnal in 1920. For the next four decades, Elder R. H. Pittman of Luray, Virginia, and Elder J. A. Monsees of Atlanta, Georgia, published the hymnal. In 1964 a corporation was formed to assume ownership, publishing the tenth through twelfth editions. Recently the Old School Hymnal Foundation, a 501(c)(3), was formed, and we have now produced the centennial edition of the Old School Hymnal.
The centennial edition includes many new hymns, several recently written and composed. Our Lord continues to bless us with "hymns and spiritual songs" written in this day which are blended in this edition with beloved hymns of yesteryear. Having published 13 editions over the last century, we are grateful for the opportunity to welcome authors of the twenty-first century who have been blessed of God to put the Scriptures and sinners' experiences to verse and music.
For a historical perspective, we have continued our research to obtain the years of birth (and death when applicable) of the authors and composers. A date in parenthesis is the year the hymn was written or the music composed.
While the planning and preparation of this edition has required a great deal of time, we recognize that this work, as with each preceding edition, is yet imperfect. To understand more about the editing process and choices that were made for each him, reference this information. We strive to improve with each edition and with each printing. To this end, we appreciate the advice and assistance offered by many friends through the years. This help we continue to seek. With thanksgiving and joy in our hearts, we submit this (thirteenth) Centennial Edition of the Old School Hymnal to the churches and to God's people everywhere. May it enrich our singing, broaden our fellowship, and, above all, glorify God!
“Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord”