What Doth Hinder Me?

"See, here is water, what doth hinder me to be baptized?" (Acts 8:36)

It is a great blessing to see one of the Lord's sheep come to this place in their experience. Andrew Samons came forward in obedience to his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ during our closing hymn yesterday and we baptized him immediately afterwards. I appreciate the testimony of any who are willing to be counted among the Lord's people through baptism in a time when Christianity is increasingly vilified. While this is a blessing to the entire assembly, I had the particular blessing of baptizing my one and only son. Baptizing each of my three children is among the most amazing privileges of my life. God is good.

Do you wonder, "What doth hinder me to be baptized?" The church is here. The kingdom of God is preached. We've got a baptistry, a river, and plenty of water. Often the answer to "What doth hinder?" is one’s own unwillingness. There is a salvation in baptism that is available to all who have heard and believe the gospel in the Lord's New Testament church. Ask yourself, "What doth hinder ME?" Is it stubbornness? Disobedience? Procrastination? The door of the church stands open...

- Elder Daniel Samons

Daniel Samons