Fruit Before the Root

Any system of religion that teaches faith as the source of eternal life rather than the result and provision of life has the fruit before the root.

FAITH, having its origin in God and end in God, is the provision of God in the child of God to press forward in this world. It is the aspect of the new creature to receive and understand spiritual things. It is the potential to exercise ones self in the ways of God to overcome the trials of each day. Without it we fail miserably.

FAITH will find its end in glory at the resurrection in the presence of God. Faith is not had or expressed before an individual is born again and is for the born again to endure and find rest now in Christ. It does not seek riches, physical comforts, health, position, power, acknowledgment, or the praise of men. It seeks and stretches the inner man toward Christ in every challenge, every task, every opportunity, every day.

FAITH is born of the Spirit, grows in trials, flourishes in oppression, watered by grace, yields in glory. It is for NOW and does save those that have eternal life.

Don't get the fruit before the root.

- Elder Carl Staten

Carl Staten