The PreExisting Fact of Justification

Some say, "Justification by faith is the heart of the gospel.” This is like saying, "Believing in God is the heart of the truth." While believing in God is important, it is not the heart of the truth. God exists whether you believe it or not. His existence is a PREEXISTING FACT. Believing that fact does not make it true. Believing that fact simply aligns one’s beliefs with what IS true and allows one to enter into the joy and benefits thereof.

And so it is with the justification of God’s people. If our justification by Christ is not a PREEXISTING FACT, by covenant or cross, then believing it will not make it so. If someone says, "You've won the lottery," believing that declaration will not make you a lottery winner, if winning the lottery is not a PREEXISTING FACT. But if it IS a PREEXISTING FACT, then believing that declaration allows you to enter into the joy of knowing that truth and living in accordance with it.

Likewise, justification by faith is not the heart of the gospel; justification by Christ is the heart of the gospel (Romans 8:33) because the gospel is a declaration of justification accomplished, not an offer of justification extended (John 19:30).

- Elder Daniel Samons

Daniel Samons