Why Do I Study the Bible?
“Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” (John 5:39)
This statement by our LORD was directed at people who were students of scripture but not disciples of Jesus. Its significance is telling, and should give pause for self-examination by believers to ask: What motivates me to study God's word? Do I seek to understand the doctrines of grace to be self-assured I am a child of God? Do I study to prove what I believe is right and those who disagree are wrong? Or, is my purpose in reading and studying the Bible to know more about Jesus; and, thereby to be drawn more closely to him as His disciple?
Jesus is clear that scripture contains details of his person and work. He also implies He is its primary subject. Stated another way, all scriptures in some fashion depict the person and work of Christ Jesus. Thus, the purpose of study ought never be simply to understand the doctrines of grace. Doing so makes us vulnerable to self-righteous temptation: I am a superior or special disciple because I have the truth. Possessing a more correct understanding of the doctrines of grace is evidence of neither spiritual nor intellectual superiority. It is evidence of God's grace and mercy.
From Jesus' statement we can infer believers should study the doctrines of grace to gain more and better insight into the person of our Savior and thus increase our devotion to Him as disciples. Correctly understanding the details of the doctrines of grace is not an end to itself. Neither is its goal to equip believers win arguments. (In truth, winning an argument without winning the person is counter-productive to true evangelism.) Study of God's word to a prideful end is in itself an ungodly endeavor. It is consistent with Paul's observation of his Jewish brethren who “going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.” (Romans 10:3) All such self-righteous motivation to study God's word ought be repented from, that we may be converted to humble, Jesus-focused-study.
God revealed the doctrines of original sin, election, predestination, justification, regeneration and the resurrection in His written word so we might better understand the significance of his immeasurable, unmerited love for us. Thus, faithful study draws believers humbly and reverently ever closer to our Savior as devoted servants. It motivates us to seek to love God more; and similarly, to seek opportunities to love others more and better according to Jesus' commandment, example and teaching.
When believers search the scriptures correctly its details provide laser-like focus on Jesus; and far from making us smug and self-righteous, we are humbled and reverently motivated by God's great love for us. Such Jesus-focused-study stirs our souls. It animates us to seek God always and to love one another as Jesus loves us. It draws our hearts closer to God where we find peace, comfort and consolation by ever thinking Jesus as we endure the tribulations of life. It causes us to eagerly seek ways to love others. When we study God's word to know more about and draw closer to our LORD, the testimony of David becomes our own:
“[Such] knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it.” (Psalm 139:6)
- Elder Michael Ivey
Those who enjoyed this brief essay may find Elder Ivey’s book Eternal Security of Deceased Infants a welcomed addition to their library. In addition to being a fascinating theological discourse on a topic that is often dismissed as “unknowable” by modern ministers, it is a comfort to those who have experienced the loss of a child. Understanding that this situation is no impediment to a covenant making and covenant keeping God brings a peace that is otherwise impossible to know.
In closing, I'd like to thank Elder Ivey for his labors in the Kingdom. His writings have been of particular benefit to me over the years.
- Elder Daniel Samons