Regarding TULIP

TULIP is an acrostic that summarizes the mechanics of eternal salvation by grace. When biblically defined, it is a helpful tool, allowing us to remember core precepts of the faith related to the fall, election, regeneration, and the extent and efficacy of the atonement. While learning those truths is important, we must remember that there is a distinction between being saved by grace and having a proper understanding of grace. These are two separate matters entirely. Many of those saved by grace never come to a proper, orthodox, New Testament understanding of how salvation works. The Old Testament saints alone prove this beyond any reasonable dispute (Hebrews 11). But we should not allow this truth to lead us to the false conclusion that a clear understanding of grace is unimportant. It is enormously profitable to a disciple, helping them rest in the finished work of Christ (Matthew 11:28) and grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ (II Peter 3:18). The principles of grace found in TULIP make eternal salvation the work of God alone. It follows that any good thing observed in a child of God is an after-the-fact evidence of the saving grace of God that has already been imparted to them. Understanding grace is not a requirement of eternal salvation. At best it is a lagging indicator.

TULIP Biblically Defined

You will find below my definition of the TULIP construct along with some supporting verses and commentary. It differs somewhat from the traditional or reformed definition. This is intended to provide needful clarification of some the points in the context of modern evangelicalism.

T - Total Depravity - "dead in trespasses and in sins" (Ephesians 2:1, Colossians 2:13) - this principle depicts man’s fallen condition as a result of Adam’s sin (Genesis 3, Romans 5:12) wherein he is utterly incapable of extracting himself from his fallen condition by his own actions (Romans 3:10-18).

U - Unconditional Election - "chosen...before the foundation of the world" (Ephesians 1:4-5, 2:3) - because man’s fall would place him in a position from which he cannot recover himself, it follows that any who will be saved are those God has chosen, even as he repeatedly states using terms like “sheep” and “sons” to refer to this elect family (John 10:28-29, Hebrews 2:10).

L - Limited Atonement - "giveth his life for the sheep" (John 10:11,26) - those whom God elected to save in eternity past, and those alone, were atoned for by the blood of Christ. We know this to be the case based on the fact that hell is real and has human occupancy (Matthew 25:41) coupled with the absolute efficacy of the blood of Christ in procuring the salvation of all those for whom it was shed (Romans 8:31-39).

I - Immediate Holy Spirit Regeneration - "voice of the son of God" (John 5:25, 3:8,10:28a) - this usually represents "Irresistible Grace. " Primitive Baptists agree that God's effectual call always succeeds in bringing its object to spiritual life and that it is therefore irresistible. For the most part, the Reformed believe that this "Irresistible Grace" is usually imparted instrumentally via the preached word or the gospel (WCF 10.1). Primitive Baptist reject the idea that the gospel is instrumentally involved in the impartation of eternal life to the elect. The phrase "Immediate Holy Spirit Regeneration" is intend to affirm both the irresistibility, because regeneration imparts spiritual life by definition or it is not regeneration, as well as immediacy, which states that God’s quickening fiat is issued directly to an object of his mercy without mediation, apart from any human means whatsoever.

P - Preservation - "Preserved in Jesus Christ" (Jude 1:1, Romans 8:31-39, John 10:28b) - This is usually defined as “Perseverance of the Saints” by most TULIP affirming groups. Primitive Baptists believe that "Preservation" is a more accurate and biblical representation of the bible's testimony based on the absolute efficacy of Christ’s atoning work (Romans 8:31-39). For more on this topic check out the article Primitive Baptist Rightly Divide Preservation and Perseverance.

In Summary

At the end of the day it is really of very little consequence whether one's definition of TULIP carries the label of "Reformed" or "Calvinistic" or even "Primitive Baptist" for that matter. This acrostic is only profitable to the extent that it accurately represents the teaching of the word of God. I believe the above take on TULIP is a faithful representation of the bible’s teaching that refines the acrostic in a way that invites those familiar with the traditional representation to “tiptoe through the TULIP” again, paying careful attention to the differences we Primitive Baptists consider to be indispensable to a proper understanding of grace.

- Elder Daniel Samons

Daniel Samons