Gospel Means and Pickles


“Acts 10:37 and forward is Peter describing to Cornelius the gospel which they had been preaching. In vs. 37 Peter says that Cornelius already knew this.” (Anonymous)


I have encountered this statement before on the matter of Cornelius in Acts chapter 10. At first blush it might seem to damage to the Primitive Baptist belief that Cornelius was regenerated apart from and prior to the preaching of the gospel at his house. A closer look at the ramifications of this assertion shows that this conclusion is unwarranted.

“Know” in what sense?

Anyone living in Judea at that time would have heard something of the life of Christ given that his ministry was a scandalous, public spectacle. It is this sense in which Peter says that Cornelius “knows” such things. I do not believe that it is an affirmation that Cornelius had heard, understood, and believed the explicit New Testament gospel. Indeed, the explicit New Testament gospel is what Peter was sent to declare unto him. Why would Peter be sent to declare the gospel for the purpose of eternally saving Cornelius if Cornelius had already heard and believed the gospel and was thus already eternally saved? That observation alone overturns the assertion so far as I’m concerned. What’s more if he had heard and believed such things with his household, why were they yet unbaptized? Why were they not ALREADY members of the Lord’s New Testament church?

Let’s Assume It’s True

For the sake of argument, let us assume that Cornelius had heard the gospel and had believed it prior to Peter’s visit. This means that Cornelius was already regenerate as of 10:2 - a point we already affirm. However, this alone does not establish gospel means in regeneration as a matter of necessity. Those who take this position only do so at the expense of affirming another Old Baptist doctrine broadly rejected in Christendom, TIME SALVATION. Since Cornelius was ALREADY eternally saved when Peter got there, and since Peter spoke "words whereby thou and all thy house shall be saved” (Acts 11:14), it follows that the salvation Peter was sent to accomplish must be TEMPORAL in nature. That is because Peter’s words arrive too late for the purpose of imparting ETERNAL SALVATION to Cornelius who already has it. So even if we accept that Cornelius had heard the gospel prior to Acts 10:2, that acceptance alone is insufficient to prove gospel means in regeneration and affirms the long-held PB doctrine of TIME SALVATION.

The Order of Salvation

Turning to the matter of gospel regeneration, consider the following:

“...Lydia, heard us: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul.” (Acts 16:14)

Which came first, the hearing of the things spoken of Paul or God’s opening of her heart so that she might attend unto those things? The answer is evident and is consistent with the order of salvation established by the verb tenses used in scripture:

"He that heareth (PRESENT TENSE) my word, and believeth (PRESENT TENSE) on him that sent me, hath (PRESENT TENSE) everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed (PERFECT TENSE - past completed action with ongoing results) from death unto life.” (John 5:25)

There are more examples of this temporal order in the bible (I John 5:1, John 1:12-13, John 8:47). Each of them represent the principle that Jesus taught Nicodemus “Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3) I have at times referred to this as The Nicodemian Precept. This principle teaches that until God regenerates a man, that man remains incapable of perceiving, receiving, or believing gospel truth. Regeneration is an act of God alone that has nothing to do with human instrumentality (John 5:25). It provides the ears to hear that the Lord so often referenced (Matthew 11:15, 13:9, 13:43, Mark 4:9, 4:23, 7:16, Luke 8:8, 14:35). The purpose of Gospel ministry is to teach the truth and make disciples of those who have the ears to hear (Matthew 28:19-20).

Are you Pickled in Gospel Means Theology?

In my experience, many Christian’s find this truth disorienting. It is contrary to what is taught among many Christian groups in our time. In fact this teaching is so prevalent that I believe It is possible to become pickled in the belief that the gospel ministry efforts of men are involved in imparting eternal life. Nothing could be further from the truth. Regeneration is a work of God alone and when one has been quickened they are in possession of eternal life (Ephesians 2:1). If this still seems unsettling consider this: What gospel minister did God use to impart eternal life to Abram in Ur? How about Enoch or Job? Upon sober consideration, I believe the bible’s testimony that the gospel is not instrumental in the impartation of eternal life to God’s people becomes irrefutably clear, provided we can shake-off the pickle juice.

- Elder Daniel Samons

Daniel Samons