Make Your Calling and Election Sure
In the first several verses of second Peter, the apostle speaks of the great and precious promises that have been given to God's people whereby we can escape the snares of this world (v3-4). He goes on to make numerous exhortations to righteous living and the benefits of obedience (v5-8) before turning his attention to the consequences of those who disobey...
"But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins. Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:" (II Peter 1:9-10)
The "wherefore" of v10 has reference to the grave consequences that Peter says may come upon a disobedient child of God who fails to obey the previous admonition and falls into a state of spiritual malaise and unprofitability in this lifetime. By obeying Peter's admonitions, we increase our our assurance of election and salvation, and avoid the pitfalls that accompany spiritual negligence.
Peter is not saying, "If you don't do these things then you are not of the elect." Indeed, the biblical examples of saints who failed to obey these things at times is too numerous to list. Rather, Peter is saying that to the extent that we are diligent, obedient, disciples of Christ, which is our reasonable service (Romans 12:1), we will likewise have a greater assurance that we are of the elect as we abide in the love of God (John 15:4) and cultivate a stronger sense that we are the covenant beneficiaries of His great and precious promises.
- Elder Daniel Samons