Damascus Road
Excuse me if you must, but far too many times the encounter of the Lord Jesus in the life of an individual is described to others as a reproduction of the "Damascus Road" experience of Paul. Thus, our 'experience of grace' is presented as a mystical spiritual experience that happens without warning and without resistance or hesitation. Because of such declaration and illustration many have sat under the truth and power of the gospel convicted and convinced in their hearts of their sins and need of deliverance, but have lingered and lost waiting for a heavenly vision or bolt from the blue to knock them off the pew and drag them to the front of the church or such.
Permit me in all candor and hope of the truth to tell you that this is not the manner, nor the experience, of the vast majority of God's children. In the attempt to be seen as orthodox and traditionally sound this has been presented to refute a works based system and magnify grace. What has resulted is the discouragement and loss of many from moving forward in faith to embrace Christ and the kingdom of heaven in this life. My friends, if you have been blessed to know the depth of your own sin and failure, if you feel the void within and have tried to fill it with worldly pursuits, jobs, wealth, hobbies, pleasure, others, etc. and still come up empty, if you have heard of the ONE who saves sinners and fills lives, gives hope, and lifts up the faint hearted, get up by faith and come to Christ.
Don't let another day pass you by waiting for that cloud to come down to you with angels singing or the Lord with staff in hand to push forward, you already are His, you already have life. That is what is stirring in you, the very life of God and His Spirit leading you to move. The gospel is calling you child of God, come today. Find the place where Jesus is named, taught, and worshipped by the truth of sovereign grace from His unchanging word. Come and ask to be a part. Take your place in the house of God and honor Him who gave you life and calls you to Himself.
Sounds strange? Something within says come? You are already born again, come and live. Amen.
- Elder Carl Staten - Little Flock PBC (Rogers, AR)