Gethsemane - The Hymn
Every now and then the hymn entitled Gethsemane is called for in our church. Are you familiar with that hymn? It speaks about Christ suffering for our sins in the garden and its very uncomfortable for me to sing? If you are familiar with it? What are your thoughts? (Brother Reed Luther, Mississippi)
I am familiar with Gethsemane. It is #137 in the Old School Hymnal (12th Edition). I am also familiar with the controversy that surrounds the lyrics of that hymn. In fact the matter came up in a discussion on the Harmony PBC facebook group about hymns and "artistic license" a while back. I submitted the following response in that discussion:
"I believe it is a good practice to examine the lyrical content of the hymns we sing in church. It is for this reason that our church has always been wary of Hymn #137 - Gethsemane. The lyrics of that song are hard to reconcile with scripture and seem inclined toward the Mormon error of the atonement occurring in the garden rather than on the cross. Some have suggested the song could be repaired by replacing "Gethsemane" with "At Calvary" and I believe we've even sung it that way a time or two."
So, I'm aware of that song, and of the problem you point out with it. I believe your observation is correct. I too am uncomfortable with the bad theology represented therein, but I’m fond enough of the melody to have tried to "redeem" it through some creative editing. As to whether the song is “totaled” or if it is worth the effort to repair it, let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
As a pastor, I really appreciate it when folks think about what they're singing and when they point out things that are "not right" and are willing to discuss them. From my vantage point, Christians are well advised to do more critical thinking about their belief and practice rather than less. Far too many are willing to believe, say, and do whatever some credentialed religious officiator tells them, and that to their detriment.
Thanks for the thoughtful observation and question.
- Elder Daniel Samons
I’ve heard many say this about “Gethsemane” and my question is this. If it’s bad theology why do we retain it in our hymnals? Why not find another hymn to take its place?
Those are good questions. Let’s give them due consideration:
I’ve heard many say this about “Gethsemane” and my question is this. If it’s bad theology why do we retain it in our hymnals?
I believe we "retain it" because it was in the OSH (12th Edition) when we purchased it nearly 50 years ago. I doubt that the church vetted every hymn in that hymnal prior to purchasing a couple of cases of them.
Why not find another hymn to take its place?
I believe it's an instance of "don't throw out the baby with the bath water." We use it as a teachable moment and there are many profitable points that can be taught from it:
The atonement occurred at Calvary, not Gethsemane.
PB Hymnals are neither inspired nor infallible.
PB's make mistakes.
Correction of error should be properly measured.
Artistic license has its limits.
We should be mindful of what we sing.
All that said, Gethsemane has been removed from the Centennial Edition of the OSH.
- Elder Daniel Samons