Calvinistic Chaos
I had a conversation with a man last week concerning the doctrine and practice of the Primitive Baptist Church. He had never heard of us, yet he agreed on many things that we do. He agreed that a family should sit and worship together in God’s house. He opposed the modern-day Sunday schools. He agreed that fathers should teach their children the scriptures. He opposed the modern-day music that churches are using to attract the young. He agreed that the father should be the spiritual leader of his household. He told me that he read the scriptures to his children every night. Then I began to discuss the doctrines of the church. I spoke about grace and the doctrine of election. He paused and said, “So, you are Calvinists.”
Here we find another misconception that people have about Primitive Baptists. Many people believe that Primitive Baptists are Calvinists because they believe the biblical concept of election. This is far from the truth. The term “Calvinist” is used in a lot of ways by a lot of different people depending on what side of the fence they are on. But believing in election does not make a person a Calvinist. Allow me to explain. This man was like many that I talk to today. He thought the only way that a person could possibly believe in the biblical doctrine of election was to be a follower of John Calvin and believe John Calvin’s concept of it… as if John Calvin invented the doctrine of election. If you have ears to hear, listen to the scriptures. The doctrine of election was taught by Paul (Romans 8:33, Colossians 3:12, II Timothy 2:10, Titus 1:1, 1 Thessalonians 1:4), by Peter (1 Peter 1:2, 5:13, 2 Peter 1:10), and by Jesus Himself (Matthew 24:22, Matthew 24:24, 24:31, Luke 18:7). That was about AD 26 - AD 66. John Calvin wasn’t born until 1509. If you believe you must be a Calvinist to believe in the doctrine of election let me ask you a question: “Was Paul a Calvinist? Was Peter? Was Jesus?" If you have ears to hear you must say, “Of course they weren’t.” John Calvin wasn’t even born when they taught it. John Calvin didn’t invent the doctrine of election. God did! Therefore a person can believe in election and not be a Calvinist.
Key Differences Between Primitive Baptists and Calvinists
Primitive Baptists believe the biblical truth about election. They do not believe the John Calvin concept of it. John Calvin was a reformed Catholic. Therefore, many aspects of the Roman Catholic Church are found within his preaching and writings. Though the doctrine of election is in the bible, John Calvin’s concept of it was unscriptural. Here are a few of the differences between the biblical account of election, and the John Calvin concept of it.
Calvin taught and believed that every person must hear the truth and believe it, or they will go to hell. If a person lives in a remote place and never hears the gospel they will go to hell. (Calvin’s Calvinism: A Treatise on the Eternal Predestination of God, John Calvin, Translated by Henry Cole, pg. 277) The Bible states, and Primitive Baptist believe, that the gospel gives light, not life (2 Timothy 1:10). They also believe that all of the elect will be saved by the blood of the Lamb whether they hear the good news or not for those are the ones that Christ died for (Romans 8:33, John 6:38-39). The gospel is the good news that explains the life they are already in possession of, not the source of it. They further believe that hearing the truth and believing it is an evidence of their election and salvation, not the cause of it (1 Thessalonians 1:4-5). Nevertheless, Primitive Baptists do believe in evangelism or you wouldn’t be reading this article.
Calvin taught and believed that God predestinated men to sin which includes the original transgression of Adam. (Calvin's Calvinism, pg. 279). The Bible states, and Primitive Baptists believe, that Adam acted of his own will, that God does not cause or even tempt men to sin, but that they are enticed by their own lust and sin. (James 1:13-14). Therefore, people are not predestinated or made to sin or there would be no sin. If God made people sin, He would be the author of it. The Bible states, and Primitive Baptist believe, that predestination has to do with salvation, not individual acts of sin or ordinary motions of life (Ephesians 1:5, Romans 8:29-30).
Calvin confused foreknowledge and predestination. He taught: if God foresaw it, He must be the author of it (Calvin's Calvinism, pg. 279). Primitive Baptists believe, and the Bible teaches, that there is big difference between knowing that something will happen and being the author of it: between foreknowledge and predestination.
There are many more differences between Calvinists and Primitive Baptists. John Calvin’s false representation of election has poisoned the truth of this doctrine for many. Let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Let’s not throw the truth of election out with John Calvin. Just throw John’s concept out. Let’s keep Peter, Paul, Jesus and their truth’s in.
Primitive Baptists are not Calvinists because they believe the doctrine of election. Every Christian should believe the biblical doctrine of election. I find it interesting that many Christians say they have accepted Jesus, yet they do not accept His doctrine of election. This poses the question - Have they really accepted Jesus? If He came back today and preached on election. as He did to the Jews, would they believe Him? (Matthew 24:22-31, Luke 4:23-29)
- Elder Neil Phelan, Jr.