
POSSIBILITARIAN (n.) - a super-denomination which encompasses the majority of those who profess faith in Jesus Christ. It is the belief that the death of Jesus Christ made salvation a possibility for all of humanity, but that salvation is only made an actuality when one ratifies His work by meeting some additional requirements. They are often found in vigorous theological debates regarding what additional actions are required for eternal salvation, but are all in full agreement that the blood of Christ alone did not eternally save anyone, though they are often loath to admit it. The notion that the Lord Jesus Christ actually accomplished the salvation of his people apart from any actions on man's part whatsoever is offensive to all Possibilitarians and they are known to stridently oppose it using any means at their disposal.

If you are a professing Christian, it is likely that you are a Possibilitarian. Deliverance from the bondage of Possibilitarianism is obtained by embracing a few important, irrefutable, and fundamental truths of the Christian faith neglected in Possibilitarian assemblies:

  • The salvation of God's people is part of an everlasting covenant that is ordered in all things and sure (II Samuel 23:5).

  • As part of that covenant God chose a people to be holy and without blame before him in love before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4).

  • The Lord Jesus Christ promised to give eternal life to as many as the Father gave him (John 17:2).

  • All those for whom Christ died have been justified by his death on their behalf and shall be freely given all things as a result (Romans 8:31-39, I Corinthians 15:3-4, II Corinthians 5:21).

  • Our works of righteousness which we have done play no participatory role in the work whereby we are eternally saved (Titus 3:5).

  • All those who believe this testimony of Christ's finished work HAVE eternal life and they shall never perish (John 6:47, 10:28).

  • They are admonished to serve God in obedient discipleship, not in order to obtain eternal salvation, but as their reasonable service to God for what he by his grace has ALREADY done for them (Romans 12:1).

This is what the bible teaches. Is this what you believe? If so I would invite you to find and join a Primitive Baptist church. We've been saving you a seat among those who know, understand, proclaim, and rejoice in the truth of salvation by the work of the Lord Jesus Christ that is not some mere POSSIBILITY, but an ACTUALITY!

- Elder Daniel Samons

Daniel Samons