After The Storm

We often preach “the church is not the building, it’s the people” in our assemblies. In recent weeks Dawson Springs PBC in Kentucky has proven this statement by assembling the church in the grade school auditorium after the destruction of their building earlier this month. Please continue to pray for this sister church who lost members in the storm. Pray wisdom for Elder Jeff Winfrey as he seeks to guide this flock in the coming months.

The Dallas Church has set up a Tornado relief fund for those affected by the storms that passed through Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri. If anybody would like to contribute, you can mail it to:

Tornado Relief Fund

C/O Dallas PBC

PO Box 2343

Dallas, GA 30132

Or you can Venmo funds to: pbctreasurer81

Please designate or label donations a "Tornado Relief".

There is also a facebook group set up by Elder Marty Hoskins that is working to help the church:

- Elder Daniel Samons

Daniel Samons