Primitive Baptists are Not Calvinists
Primitive Baptists are very commonly regarded as "Calvinists" by those who know a little bit about our beliefs. This is no doubt due to our affirmation of the doctrine of salvation by grace (TULIP) which embraces the biblical concepts of election and predestination. Cautionary words regarding the use of the term "Calvinism" notwithstanding, I would say that while Primitive Baptists and Calvinists (of the Westminster Confession of Faith / Second London Confession sort) share some beliefs in common, their respective theological systems are different in several material ways. In the interest of helping people clearly distinguish between PB theology and Calvinism, and at the risk of painting with too broad a brush, the following key differences across a variety of categories may prove helpful:
The Nature of the Gospel Message - Most Calvinists regard the gospel as a well-meant (or sincere) offer of salvation to all of humanity. PBs believe that the gospel is a proclamation of the finished work of Christ on behalf of his people. (Matthew 1:21, I Corinthians 15:3-4, John 10:11,26)
The Nature of Regeneration - Most Calvinists believe that there are two modes of regeneration, one mediated by the preached word of God (WCF 10.1), and immediate, Holy Spirit regeneration for exceptional circumstances (WCF 10.3). PBs believe that all of the elect are regenerated by an immediate act of God apart from any means whatsoever, and that the gospel is NOT instrumental in regeneration. (John 3:8, John 8:47, I Corinthians 2:14)
The Distribution of the Gospel Message - Most Calvinists believe that the gospel will reach all of the capable elect in the gospel dispensation (if not in all dispensations). This position is very closely tied to their belief in the use of means in regeneration. PBs do not believe that all of God's children hear and believe the gospel message in this lifetime - either in this dispensation, or in the previous dispensation. (Job 9:2, Jeremiah 31:15-17, Matthew 2:16-18)
The Definition of Sovereignty - Most Calvinists insist that the sovereignty of God is inseparable from the concept of the absolute predestination of all things. PBs believe that sovereignty is dominion and does not either imply or require the absolute predestination of all things. (Jeremiah 19:5)
The Extent of Predestination - Most Calvinists believe that God has absolutely predestined all things. PBs believe that God has predestined all things involved in our salvation, but not all things in an absolute sense. (Jeremiah 19:5) They affirm that God knows all things and that his plan comes to pass in spite of not having positively foreordained every single act of sin. Moreover, PB's believe that absolute predestination undeniably makes God the author of sin.
The Distinction Between Preservation and Perseverance - Calvinists affirm the doctrine of perseverance - the belief that while God's children can and do sin, that they will repent of all such sin prior to their death. PBs believe that the atoning work of Christ actually saved his people from their sins and that God's people are thus preserved by that perfect work, irrespective of the sin they may commit in the remainder of their lives. (Hebrews 10:14, Romans 5:19, Jude 1, Titus 3:5)
The Nature of the Atonement - Most Calvinists affirm that the atonement is "sufficient for all, but efficient for the elect only." PBs affirm that the atonement is "insufficient for all for want of efficiency for the non elect." (John 10:26, Matthew 23:33) Stated another way, if the atonement did not purchase regeneration for all of humanity, and it undeniably did not, then it is insufficient for the salvation of all of humanity.
The Desire of God in Salvation - Most Calvinists affirm that God desires the salvation of all of humanity, but that he also does not desire the salvation of all of humanity. PBs believe that God both desires and accomplishes the salvation of the elect. (Matthew 1:21)
Formal Creedalism - Calvinists make regular reference to their creeds while insisting upon Sola Scriptura. PBs believe that "man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4)
This is by no means a comprehensive list, but these are some of the areas where I have personally encountered the most confusion. Incidentally, I recently preached a sermon entitled TULIP Doctrine that addresses some of these differences.
- Elder Daniel Samons