Who Is This That Comes From Far?
In recent weeks, we at Harmony have committed ourselves to learning new songs to use in our worship service. Elder Gary Harvey lead us in a song with which many of us seemed unfamiliar during our Saturday service in our Annual Meeting: #194 Who Is This That Comes From Far? from the Old School Hymnal. I’m posting the lyrics here for everyone’s consideration and meditation:
Who is this that comes from far? With His garments dipped in blood?
Strong triumphant traveler, Is He man or is He God?
I that reign in righteousness, Son of God and man I am;
Mighty to redeem your race, Jesus is your savior’s name.
Wide, ye heavenly gates unfold, closed no more by death and sin:
Lo, the conquering Lord behold, Let the King of glory in:
Hark th’angelic host inquire, “Who is He, th’almighty King?”
Hark again the answ’ring choir, Thus in strains of triumph sing.
He whose pow’rful arm alone on his foes destruction hurled,
He who hath the vict’ry won, He who saved you by His blood,
He who God’s pure law fulfilled, Jesus, the Incarnate Word:
He whose truth with blood was sealed, He is heav’n’s all glor’ous Lord.
Those are wonderful and worshipful truths of the Christian faith that everyone should consider. You can listen to a recording of this song from our Annual Meeting to learn the tune.
- Elder Daniel Samons