Uniformitarian Worldview
Speculative Conjecture
Those who stayed to search the scriptures after lunch on the third Sunday in November will recall that the Little Grand Canyon of Mt Saint Helens was part of our discussion regarding the world view of uniformitarianism. I made the observation that someone might see a car on I-40 in Little Rock headed towards Fort Smith at 70 miles per hour and say, "That car was in Memphis 2 hours ago." This conclusion is not a scientific fact but a speculative conjecture based on a host of uniformitarian presuppositions: the car has ever and always traveled at the same speed, the car has been on this same road for the last 2 hours, the car did not enter I-40 only moments ago at Protho Junction or 30 minutes ago at Lonoke, the car didn't stop for gas somewhere along the way, the car did not have a flat tire, you get the drift...
The Supernatural is Real - Own It
Christians should be aware that so-called "scientific assertions" about time are laden with presuppositions that contradict the bible's testimony regarding the supernatural origins of our world. Stated another way, if you're a bible-believing Christian, you have to play the "supernatural card" in many places: the creation, the parting of the Red Sea, the virgin birth, the incarnation, the resurrection, etc. We do well to own that fact and stand in the boldness of declaring the existence and sovereign rulership of a supernatural God who had done things that do not conform to the precepts of science, falsely so-called.
- Elder Daniel Samons