Is the Atonement of Infinite Value?
The atonement is of infinite value. That does not mean that the atonement was designed to be applied to every man, head for head.
This thought regarding the “value” of the atonement is shared by many. At least I’ve encountered it a lot. Considering it line-by-line is helpful in explaining why I believe this popular sentiment is problematic:
"The atonement is of infinite value."
I appreciate the good intentions of those who say "the atonement is of infinite value." If their purpose is to exalt the greatness of Christ's sacrifice, that is a laudable objective. However, I am not sanguine about using the phrase “infinite value” to this end. The concept of "infinite value" is an oxymoron. "Value" insists upon quantification and "infinite" is the transcendence of quantity. While it is possible to use language like this to represent “greatness” as a matter of poetic license, I do not believe that this is the clearest, most accurate, or most profitable way to achieve that end when the atonement of Christ is under consideration. When one examines how “infinite value” is so often employed elsewhere in Christendom to distort the atonement's gospel implications, I believe that this expression becomes even more problematic. I as result I do not use the phrase “infinite value” in reference to the atonement and I discourage others from using it as well.
"That does not mean that the atonement was designed to be applied to every man, head for head."
I certainly agree that the atonement of Christ does not apply to every man (John 10:11,26). But this fact brings an unavoidable observation, namely that the so-called "infinite value" of Christ's atonement has absolutely no bearing on defining the DOMAIN of salvation. The domain of salvation was established in election, not in the “value” of the atonement, whether one regards it as “infinite” or not. The domain of salvation (i.e., God's elect people) was that to which the atonement was applied, irrespective of what “value” one might place upon it.
The problem arises when one considers that the context in which this "infinite value" is most often invoked (i.e., the well-meant offer of salvation to all of humanity - WMO). In that setting, “infinite value” is used to imply a potential universality in the atonement, when no such universality exists. It is similar to suggesting that because Elon Musk left a million dollar tip for his dinner at table #1, that someone sitting at another table is justified in walking out on their check. To discuss the atonement's value" as an abstraction from its purpose is a clever means of distorting the truth, because the work of salvation is founded upon the purpose of God in saving his people from their sins. (Ephesians 1:4-5, Matthew 1:21, John 17:2)
Stated another way, since the VALUE of the atonement and God's PURPOSE in the atonement are so inseparably intertwined, speaking about them as separate abstractions is often used to suggest a potential universality in the atonement as a means of justifying the idea that the gospel is “sincerely offering eternal life to all of humanity.” But if God did not elect all of humanity (Romans 9:13), and Christ did not die for all of humanity (John 10:11), then there is no way to sincerely offer eternal life to the non elect, because there is no atoning basis for the offer, irrespective of its value.
- Elder Daniel Samons