Few people will miss a meal and if they do you're likely to hear them complaining about it. This is not a surprising observation to any reasonable person. The solution is simple - find something good to eat and eat it at regular intervals. This will keep your tank full and give you the energy to keep going.
Many of God's sheep in this world are starving to death spiritually and they don't even know it. They have innumerable symptoms that range from acute hunger to debilitating malnutrition - all for want of regular spiritual feeding. Like a junk yard dog chewing on an old tire, they spend their time gnawing away at things that can never provide an ounce of spiritual sustenance.
Is that you? I ask because I've spent time in the junk yard myself. As one old dog trying to get through this life to another, let me invite you to the Harmony PBC Annual Meeting this weekend where we intend to serve a banquet of spiritual sustenance for the hungry in the form of the glorious gospel of our successful Savior our Lord Jesus Christ. Come and see...
- Elder Daniel Samons