Regenerate Yet Unconverted


I’ve listened to your case for the existence of regenerate yet unconverted people. I disagree with all 3 of your examples (Peter, Cornelius, and “brethren”). Just because someone believes doesn't mean that they are regenerate. Satan believes, demons believe, Nebuchadnezzar believed, etc. Jesus didn't breathe on Peter until after he rose and Peter wasn't given the spirit until Pentecost. Cornelius hadn't even heard the gospel yet. You aren't born again before you hear the gospel, or before you have faith in it, or before you choose to follow Jesus after you have counted the cost whether or not you will. James is talking to ethnic Jews in the diaspora, hence brothers, the 12 tribes, ethnic brothers.


The objections you raise are pretty common and I’d like to take a moment to explain why I believe they are invalid. You said…

I’ve listened to your case for the existence of regenerate yet unconverted people. I disagree with all 3 of your examples (Peter, Cornelius, and “brethren”). Just because someone believes doesn't mean that they are regenerate.

Faith is a fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit of God (Galatians 5:22, Romans 8:7). It is evident that some men, the unregenerate, do not possess faith (II Thessalonians 3:2, I Corinthians 2:14). It follows that believing most certainly does mean that one is regenerated. The apostle John states this very plainly, “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ IS BORN OF GOD” (I John 5:1a). This is the very confession that Peter makes in Matthew 16:16, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Moreover, Jesus Christ himself affirms the source and sincerity of Peter’s faith in the following verse, saying, “Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 16:17) It follows that is it utterly undeniable that Peter is a regenerate man as of the time of his conversation with Jesus Christ in Matthew 16:16ff and as such the first example is sustained.

Satan believes, demons believe,

This is a VERY common error. Satan is not a man. Neither are demons men. The things said of unregenerate men in the word of God do not of necessity apply to either Satan or demons, even as the things said of Satan and demons do not of necessity apply to men. It is true that both Satan and demons are fallen creatures, they are not incapacitated by the fall in precisely the same way that men are said to be incapacitated by the fall. While the bible is VERY clear that fallen, unregenerate men CANNOT believe spiritual truth (Romans 3:10-18, 8:7, I Corinthians 2:14), the bible makes no such statement regarding Satan or demons. In fact it states quite the opposite by explicitly affirming in many places that Satan and demons CAN and DO believe many spiritual truths even though they are in a fallen state (James 2:19, Matthew 8:29, Acts 16:16-17). It follows that proving that Satan and demons believe and yet are not eternally saved constitutes ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF WHATSOEVER that a man may believe and yet not be eternally saved. The bible repeatedly affirms that those who believe are in possession of eternal life (John 3:16, 6:47, etc.).

So to summarize: to compare the belief of men and devils in a way that comes to this conclusion is a false interpretation of James 2:19. James’s point regards the showing of one’s faith. He is pointing out that one’s belief OUGHT to manifest itself in one’s behavior. He is not saying that a man can believe and not be eternally saved. Devils can believe whatever their fallen natures will permit them to believe, which is quite a lot apparently, but they will never be saved irrespective of any spiritual truth they believe, because they have NO SAVIOR (Hebrews 2:16). The fundamental error that your argument arises from is the false assertion that “whatever is true of devils” (i.e., that they can believe and yet not be saved) must also be true of men. That statement is categorically false. Men are not devils, devils are not men, and we must take care to avoid hasty, unwarranted conclusions that fail to consider the distinctions between their natures.

Nebuchadnezzar believed, etc.

Nebuchadnezzar was a changed man. He was a regenerate child of God who declared one of the strongest statements of belief in the absolute sovereignty of God found anywhere in the bible. (Daniel 4:34-35) You see, the Lord can save whomever he wants to save – even a pagan, idolatrous, gentile king in the Old Testament. “Behold the Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save.” (Isaiah 59:1)

Jesus didn't breathe on Peter until after he rose and Peter wasn't given the spirit until Pentecost.

The belief that the pouring out of the Spirit at Pentecost was regeneration is a very common error that brings with it a host of additional theological errors that follow downstream. The pouring out of the Spirit at Pentecost was a special empowerment that produced various sign gifts that attended the formation and growth of the New Testament church in the first century. It is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel 2:28ff. It is NOT regeneration as evidenced by the fact that the OT saints all had faith born of regeneration long before the Pentecost events in Acts 2 (Hebrews 11). Their faith was a fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit of God (Galatians 5:22). Bottom line: All of God’s covenant people are regenerated during their natural lives by the Spirit of God who is unconstrained in his ability to quicken (John 3:8). This has been the arrangement since the fall and failure to recognize this fact leads to numerous other theological blunders. For more on this topic you might find my sermon entitled Joel’s Prophecy and Acts 2 helpful.

Cornelius hadn't even heard the gospel yet.

That’s correct, even as Seth, Abijah, Rachel’s Children, Job, and many, many others were regenerated though they never heard the explicit New Testament gospel of I Corinthians 15:3-4. The gospel message has precisely NOTHING to do with how a man is regenerated. That’s because men are regenerated directly by the Spirit of God (John 3:3-10) without any means whatsoever (John 5:25). One must be born again ALREADY in order to be able to spiritually see (understand and believe) a manifestation of the kingdom of God such as the gospel message. That is an enormously important observation and those who fail to embrace this simple, Nicodemian precept breed a great deal of confusion and vexation of spirit among the flock of God.

You aren't born again before you hear the gospel, or before you have faith in it, or before you choose to follow Jesus after you have counted the cost whether or not you will.

That statement is categorically false. At a minimum, the Old Testament is an enormous obstacle to your assertion. A multitude are eternally saved (Revelation 5:9) but not all of them encounter explicit gospel truth during their natural lives. The Old Testament saints prove this beyond any reasonable dispute and it is likewise affirmed in the New Testament in several places (Ephesians 3:5, Colossians 1:26). Moreover, one must have FAITH in order to receive gospel truth. That faith is the fruit of regeneration. Those who teach that one must believe in order to become born again, as you suggest, are guilty of insisting that the Spirit is the fruit of faith. The bible teaches that faith is a fruit of the Spirit. What you are promoting is precisely the opposite of what Jesus Christ taught Nicodemus. That should give any sincere disciple of Christ enormous pause. It is an occasion for you to obtain a better understanding of gospel truth that will be prove enormously profitable to you (Act 18:26).

Consider also that “counting the cost” is a righteous, willful act. It is therefore excluded from having any participatory involvement in how one obtains the free gift of eternal life. (Romans 9:16, Titus 3:5).

James is talking to ethnic Jews in the diaspora, hence brothers, the 12 tribes, ethnic brothers.

He is certainly addressing ethnic Jews but his address is more specific than that. He is speaking to those who have “faith” (James 1:3). James’s address is to Jewish Christians who were dispersed, not to mere ethnic Jews who lacked faith in Christ.

Let me encourage you to continue to explore the word of God. Whether or not you and I ever come to see eye to eye on such matters, I am confident that your sincere pursuit of God through his word will be a blessing and will prove enormously profitable in your Christian walk, even as the Lord promised (Matthew 7:7-11).

May God bless our studies and understanding of his word.

- Elder Daniel Samons

Daniel Samons