Proper Evangelism
Some say that Primitive Baptists. do not believe in evangelism. Is that true and if so, why?
Three Reasons for this Accusation
It is certainly true that some people have accused the Primitive Baptists of “not believing in evangelism.” There are many reasons for that accusation. Let's consider some of them:
Primitive Baptists opposed the modern Missions movement of the early 19th century. There are many valid, scriptural reasons to oppose what has become known in our time as "Missions work" of the sort popularized by Andrew Fuller and others some 200 years ago. Many would say that PBs are anti-Missions on this basis alone. We insist, however, that the current practice of "Missions" in our time is inconsistent with the biblical model for evangelism.
Primitive Baptist opposition to "Missions" has at times strayed into over-reaction that opposes legitimate evangelism for fear of being lumped in with the missions movement they correctly opposed. From my observation, great strides have been made to correct this matter in recent decades.
Primitive Baptists do not believe that evangelism is in the critical path to eternal salvation. The elect were chosen before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4-6). Christ eternally saved them all by his work at Calvary (John 19:30). The Holy Spirit regenerates them all in time (Galatians 4:6). As a result they shall all end up in heaven irrespective of the degree of gospel information they either encounter or embrace during their natural lives (John 10:28). Many insist that if Primitive Baptists do not believe that evangelism is instrumental in imparting eternal life, then it is of no purpose at all. This fallacious line of reasoning is addressed in my short essay entitled The Gospel and the New Birth. Primitive Baptists believe the gospel has purpose and is needful for the instruction of the sheep, but not for the regeneration of the sheep.
Evangelism Requires the Evangel (The Gospel)
It seems clear that the broader world of Christianity insists that there is a great deal of evangelism going on in the form of innumerable outreaches, programs, and missions. Moreover, it seems that the Primitive Baptist church contributes little to evangelism by comparison, if only because our numbers are relatively few, but consider this: In order to do any legitimate, biblical EVANGELISM one must possess the EVANGEL (the gospel).
Proselytizing in Works is not Evangelism
When one considers that the vast majority of "evangelism" in our time promotes a Jesus who is trying to save everyone but who cannot save anyone apart from their willing and active ratification of his unfinished work of salvation, I submit that the Primitive Baptists may be among the very few people on earth who actually promote gospel truth and as such may be among the very few who are involved in biblical evangelism. That is a shocking statement, but unless someone is promoting the gospel of "the grace of Christ" (Galatians 1:6) they are not evangelizing, irrespective of zealous claims to the contrary.
Simply put, proselytizing millions in the religion of works is NOT EVANGELISM.
- Elder Daniel Samons