Non-Contradiction and the Trinity
How does the law of non-contradiction, on which you fervently insist, operate with the doctrine of the Trinity?
The doctrine of the Trinity is not a logical contradiction, though I will admit that theological conclusion is confusing to those unaware of class distinctions and the precision of language required for proper handling. If the doctrine of the Trinity insisted that “3 Gods = 1 God” then it would be a logical contradiction. However, this is NOT a proper formulation of the Trinity. The orthodox formulation is that 3 Persons = 1 God. There is no inherent conflict in the concept that 3 things of one class (persons) can also be 1 thing of another class (God). This precept of class distinctions is affirmed by many proofs. Consider that I have 3 ROLES but I am 1 PERSON. I have the role of son, husband, and father, but I am one person. While this example does not perfectly model the biblical concept of the Trinity, it does demonstrate the non-contradictory precept upon which Trinitarian doctrine rests.
Admittedly, there are aspects of the Trinity that remain unexplained and mysterious. I am certain that their explanation is rational, even if that explanation eludes me in the present. That is because God is rational. The Trinity, when properly formulated from the scriptures, is the logical means of handling the data given to us in the word of God without doing violence to any of it.
- Elder Daniel Samons
There has been robust discussion regarding this article among those in the Harmony PBC facebook group with many possible objections raised. Some regarded this article as an heretical, unorthodox misrepresentation of the Trinity. Had the article insisted that the example given was a comprehensive demonstration of the doctrine of the Trinity, that would be a valid criticism. However, this brief blog post does not make that assertion at all (see the highlighted text above). It simply points out a principle that is involved in the orthodox formulation of the Trinity - namely that three things of one class (persons) can be one thing of another class (God) without contradiction. I would advise readers to resist the urge to knee-jerk reactions and to rather redouble their efforts to pay closer attention to what is said in the article.
Having said all of that, I maintain that discussions of this sort are valuable among God’s people. We should have MORE open discussion of such matters rather than less. What’s more, it seems clear that careful attention to the matter is helpful in refining our understanding and expression of complex theological issues. To that end, I hope to publish a response to the most common objections raised as an addendum to this article as time allows. In anticipation of that, I’ll whet your appetite by asking you to consider some important questions involved in the discussion, the answers to which have considerable theological ramifications:
1. Does the bible teach that logical contractions are the truth?
2. Do you believe the biblical doctrine of the Trinity is a logical contradiction?
3. If logic is insufficient to rightly divide the truth, how can we reason from the scriptures?
4. Who is the arbiter of when logic can be employed and when it cannot?
5. Does the Trinity involve any dimension of distinction? (Father, Son, Holy Ghost)
6. Does the Trinity involve any dimension of unity? (God)
- ds