Raised Primitive Baptist

I was raised in a Primitive Baptist home but I visited other churches as I was growing up. I almost joined a Missionary Baptist Church at Friendship. But when I was 16, I was at a good meeting at Harmony Primitive Baptist Church and the Lord convicted me strongly of my sin. I was crying on the front steps after the services. Elder Vernon Lee saw me and asked me what was wrong. I told him of my convictions and he brought me before the church. I was baptized with my sister, Diana, by Elder Charles Sandage. After a day or so I realized I was still a sinner as I compared myself to saints in the church. I thought my confession and baptism would cure me from my sin but they didn’t. I thought something was terribly wrong with me and I was scared because I knew I was still a sinner. After many trials I understand God’s grace now, and I am thankful for God’s mercy and the many blessings he has shown me.

- Deacon Mike Burnett