Gospel Declaration
As a Primitive Baptist myself, I’ve always had this question. Since the scriptures declare that Jesus atoned for a particular people (particular redemption), how do we proclaim the gospel in the public sphere seeing that we don’t know who the elect are? And since we don’t know who they are don’t we have to “broadcast” the message, proclaiming it to people whom we do not know for certain are among the elect? Limited atonement has me confused about how we take the gospel to the public sphere - school, work, the gym, etc. (Anonmous)
This is a common question, not just among Primitive Baptists, but also among those who do not understand our doctrine on the nature and purpose of the gospel message. I addressed this matter on my blog some time ago and referring to those articles might prove helpful.
What is the Gospel?
The Gospel and the New Birth
Let me also address the questions you raise here as well.
How do we proclaim the gospel in the public sphere seeing that we don’t know who the elect are?
We don't have to know who they are. We declare what God has done for his covenant people and that those who believe this message are among them. From there we exhort them to follow the Lord Jesus Christ in discipleship through the waters of baptism and participation in the Lord's NT church, the kingdom of God.
And since we don’t know who they are
We don't have to know who they are. The gospel is not offering eternal life to all, it is declaring eternal life to those who believe.
don’t we have to “broadcast” the message,
Yes. We should preach the gospel indiscriminately to all who will listen. The gospel does not declare potential salvation for all men provided they decide to believe; it declares the finished work of salvation on behalf of the elect who are identified by their belief of the declaration. As Elder Sonny Pyles used to say, "The gospel locates the regenerate."
proclaiming it to people whom we do not know for certain are among the elect?
Yes. We must PROCLAIM the truth of the gospel as accomplished by the Lord Jesus Christ, not OFFER a chance at salvation to all of humanity. A proclamation of the salvation of SOME people does not offer salvation to ALL people. "Jesus saved his people from their sins, and all who believe are among them" is true whether the one listening is elect or non-elect. One’s belief or rejection of that declaration does not alter the declaration one bit, but it does identify the believer as a beneficiary.
- Elder Daniel Samons