Spiritual Birth

Let us be plain here, if I may. Scripture teaches we are dead in trespasses and sin (Ephesians 2:1-5). Would all agree with that? Also, in John 3 scripture teaches one must be born again to be able to see and enter God's spiritual kingdom. Jesus used the term born again to show any reasonable, thinking man this natural truth, so that they may understand a spiritual truth. You and I had nothing to do with our natural birth. We did not have believe our natural father is our father in order to be his son. Our natural birth was done by the choice of our natural father before we were born.

So it is with our spiritual birth. Our spiritual Father choose us to be his children. Naturally, we are born into sin from our natural father Adam, because like begets like. And everyone is born into this world the same way: dead in trespasses and sin (Romans 5:12). Like our natural father, we become like him in his likeness (Genesis 5:3). Now, our spiritual birth is from above. It comes from our spiritual Father. We have no more control over this birth than we have over our natural birth. To teach a child that his spiritual birth is dependent on his actions is contrary to scripture and nature itself. It gives credit to the child and not God. Naturally, you do not choose your natural father even in adoption. It is the adopter that chooses, not the child. If any reading this short letter has a desire to please God and obey Him, it is because you have His spirit with in you. You would not have this desire otherwise. God choose you to be his son and daughter BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD (Ephesians 1:4). And because you are sons/daughter He sends His spirit and changes your dead in trespasses and sinful heart to a living heart, and gives you a desire to cry “Abba, Father,” and seek Him so that you may understand what salvation He has bestowed on you (Galatians 4:6). This is when you can come to Jesus through the gospel (Matthew 11:28). Before you could not and would not come, for you were dead to Him until He made you spiritually alive (Ephesians 2:1).

- Sonny Bonner

Sonny Bonner