Poor, Weak, and Worthless
“Bankrupt, guilty sinners.” I have often mentioned this favorite depiction of man’s fallen state from Elder Phelan. It is bad enough to be either guilty or bankrupt alone. To be both requires the mercy of another in order to meet one’s obligations. Indeed if we were not guilty then perhaps we could plead our case that the demand of payment for our iniquities is unjust. On the other hand, if we were not bankrupt, perhaps we might cobble together some measure of payment sufficient to cover our debts. But a debtor who is both guilty and bankrupt can find no refuge in either of those thoughts. “Poor, weak, and worthless” is a phrase that seems to depict this fallen state and it is for this reason that we so frequently sing Hymn #491 in the Good Old Songs because it is a clear depiction of this biblical truth. I’ve taken a moment to annotate the lyrics with a few scriptures that support each line.
Poor, weak, and worthless tho’ I am, (Psalm 39:5b; 62:9)
I have a rich almighty friend. (Hebrews 1:3)
Jesus the savior is his name. (Matthew 1:21)
He freely loves and without end. (Hosea 14:4, Jeremiah 31:3)
He ransomed me from hell with blood, (Revelation 5:9)
And by His power my foes controlled. (Daniel 4:35)
He found me wandering far from God, (John 10:27-28)
And brought me to his chosen fold. (John 10:29)
He cheers my heart, my want supplies, (Psalm 23:1)
And says that I may shortly be (Psalm 39:5a)
Enthroned with him above the skies (Hebrews 12:2, John 14:3)
O, what a friend is Christ to me. (Matthew 11:19, John 15:13)
It is a good exercise to look up these verses and affirm these great truths of the Christian faith. Doing so builds a greater appreciation of our “rich, almighty Friend.”
”Jesus the savior is his name. He freely loves and without end.”
- Elder Daniel Samons