Local Bible Study Opportunities

“STUDY to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (II Timothy 2:15)

”SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” (John 5:39)

“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and SEARCHED THE SCRIPTURES, whether those things were so.” (Acts 17:11)

The word of God regularly praises those who study the word of God. The Lord's people benefit greatly from doing so. One of the most important observations from the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ and his apostles is that they were regularly involved in DIALOG with those around them regarding the word of God. The opportunity for scripture-related, two-way, question and answer sessions was integrally woven into the Lord’s philosophy of ministry as well as that of the apostles he trained. As such, we abandon this approach at our own peril. It is good to see the Lord's ministers continuing this Primitive practice and I wanted to make everyone aware of several bible study opportunities around us in the state of Arkansas. I encourage those of you who are able to attend as you are able.

As I mentioned from the pulpit a few weeks ago, one of our sister churches (Macedonia PBC in Dalark, AR) is holding a weekly bible study on Wednesday nights under the direction of Elder Frank Buttrey. They are going through the doctrines of grace. The handout below was given to me by brother Sonny Bonner who attended a recent meeting. It contains many good scripture references that sustain the Doctrines of Grace. I encourage those nearby to attend this meeting if you are able. Any who desire to study what the bible teaches about grace will find that these verses undergird why TULIP is important. They meet every week at 6pm a few miles south of Arkadelphia in the Gum Springs community at:

1964 Hasley Road
Arkadelphia, AR 71923

In addition to the new meeting above, I’d also like to remind everyone that Sardis PBC continues to hold bible study on Wednesday nights at 7pm as well under the direction of Elder Jessie Stripland. They have just started studying Paul’s second epistle to Timothy. The church is located two miles West of Lono, AR on Highway 222:

8715 Highway 222
Malvern, AR

Up in Russellville, Elder Gary Harvey is studying the life of Solomon every Wednesday night at 6:30pm. They are located at:

501 Knoxville Street
Russellville, AR

Up past Damascus, Elder John Staten has completed an overview of the biblical basis for their articles of faith and is now studying the book of Revelation every Wednesday night at 6:30pm at:

4215 Gravesville Cutoff
Bee Branch, Arkansas 72013

May the Lord add his blessing to our sister churches who endeavor to search the scriptures,
- Elder Daniel Samons

Last Updated 6/1/2022

Daniel Samons