Looking Upwards in a Storm
God of my life, to Thee I call,
Afflicted at Thy feet I fall;
When the great water-floods prevail,
Leave not my trembling heart to fail!
Friend of the friendless, and the faint!
Where should I lodge my deep complaint?
Where but with Thee, whose open door
Invites the helpless and the poor!
Did ever mourner plead with Thee,
And Thou refuse that mourner’s plea?
Does not the word still fix’d remain,
That none shall seek Thy face in vain?
That were a grief I could not bear,
Didst Thou not hear and answer pray’r;
But a pray’r-hearing, answ’ring God,
Supports me under ev’ry load.
Fair is the lot that’s cast for me;
I have an advocate with Thee;
They whom the world caresses most,
Have no such privilege to boast.
Poor though I am, despis’d, forgot,
Yet God, my God, forgets me not;
And He is safe, and must succeed,
For whom the Lord vouchsafes to plead.
- William Cowper
Special thanks to brother Deryl Baumgardner who regularly encourages me in ministry by sending quotes from hymns and historical writers regarding the faith once delivered to the saints.
- Elder Daniel Samons