Is Ambition a Sin?

”Is ambition sinful? Not greed or covetousness, but just the ambition to be successful in business” (Charlie Lloyd)

A while back, Brother Lloyd posted that question to our Facebook page. I posted the following response:

ambition (n.) - a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work.

Ambition is not inherently sinful any more than any "strong desire" or "determination" is sinful. The trouble arises when one examines the object of and motivation for one's "strong desire" in light of the revealed will of God. I suspect that the object and motive are so often tainted, that "ambition" is tarnished by the company it keeps, at least in how the term is commonly employed. Nevertheless, "the desire of the righteous shall be granted." (Proverbs 10:24) I suspect this is true of their "strong desires" as well.

I also found Brother Sonny Bonner’s comments insightful:

As long as we do not have such a white knuckle grip on the things of this world. We cannot serve both the Lord and the things of this world for we will soon come to a fork in this road we travel and we will either pass over to the promised land or into a wilderness.

This is a good cautionary note for those who are prone to making an idol of their ambition. That tendency must be constantly kept in check alongside the revealed will of God. It is foolish to ignore the reality that one’s ambitions often conflict with one’s spiritual well-being. It is equally foolish to spackle over the conflict that such ambitions create with an “ox in the pit” excuse (Luke 14:5). While such circumstances do occur, we should not use this to casually justify the pursuit of ambitions that downgrade our spiritual commitment. Stated more plainly, it is possible that one’s ambition for the well-being of the cattle may supersede one’s reasonable service to the sheep in the Kingdom of God.

Ask Yourself the Following Questions:

1. How many times have I used an “ox in the pit” to justify the pursuit of a carnal ambition?

2. In contrast, how many times have I used “the Kingdom of God takes precedent” to set aside carnal ambitions so that I may serve God?

A sober examination of the final tally in that exercise indicates how prone we are to set spiritual matters in repose while placing our carnal ambitions on a pedestal. Regarding a similar form of hypocrisy, our brother James admonishes: “My brethren, these things ought no so to be.” (James 3:10) These observations can be unpleasant and convicting, nevertheless the are beneficial to one’s spiritual life provided we take corrective measures so that, “afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them that are exercised thereby.” (Hebrews 12:11).

- Elder Daniel Samons

Daniel Samons